Door access control systems are digital security systems that ensure authorized access to your building. They ensure only authorized personnel are entering your building while keeping unauthorized personnel out.

This can be extremely efficient in avoiding trespassing, vandalism, and other criminal activity at your business. Plus, because they are digital, they are more efficient in doing so than traditional lock-and-key systems.

At the same time, door access control systems simplify entry to your building. Employees and other personnel no longer have to carry keys or unlock doors the old-fashioned way. You can issue users convenient forms of entry like card keys, key fobs, mobile app barcodes, and more.

Why use a door access control system?

Although traditional lock-and-key systems are available, access control systems for door security are much more effective and convenient. Why?

Higher grade security

Locking mechanisms for access control systems tend to be more secure than traditional locks. They can be either magnetic, electric, and a few other options. Plus, they can be connected to additional security systems such as video surveillance. This is more likely to keep unauthorized personnel out of your building compared to traditional access methods.


Businesses are going digital with their security systems. This makes your life so much easier on two different levels. For one, users can easily unlock doors with digital methods such as key fobs or mobile apps. Secondly, you can digitally integrate your door access control system with back-end software and monitor remotely. This is especially simple if you are using a cloud-based access control system for your doors.


Users can unlock access control systems very easily compared to traditional lock-and-key systems. They no longer have to carry keys with them everywhere they go. There are many different forms of entry including cards, mobile apps, fingerprint scanners, and more.